Our materials are very suitable to be used for architectural purposes.
For both outside or inside applications.
Cladding facades is an example of a purpose where mesh or perforated plates are used outside.
In addition to the aesthetic purpose that the mesh has for this application, it can also have a functional purpose.
Due to the open area of the mesh or perforated media, more light can come through in, for example, a parking garage than in a closed space. Furthermore, the necessary ventilation is possible in this situation.
In addition to these functions, our material can directly serve the necessary fencing.
Examples of indoor applications for our materials are covering walls and ceilings or to divide a room.
This can have besides the aesthetic function also influence the acoustics in the room.
Furthermore, changes in the incidence of light can also be made by using mesh material.
If you have any questions about the use of our materials for architectural or decorative purposes, please contact us and we are happy to help.